The IPR Course

28th September 2024

The IPR course is a 1-day intense course designed to teach you planning and delivery of IPR in a safe and predicable way. The hands-on session uses phantom heads as well as live demos throughout the day.

28th Sept 2024, 09:30 – 16:30

LonDEC London, 150 Stamford St, London SE1 9NH, UK

The IPR course is a 1-day intense course designed to teach you planning and delivery of IPR for any situation.

The course is focused on the safe and predictable delivery of IPR, with anatomical, physiological and practical considerations during orthodontic treatment, for both fixed appliances and clear aligner therapy. The course is built around teaching the main methods of delivering IPR: manual strips, discs, reciprocating saws and IPR burs.


Course objectives:

  • Demonstrate the role of IPR in orthodontic treatment
  • Understand anatomical and physiological considerations of IPR
  • Hands-on teaching of different methods, handstrips, discs,      oscilating strips and IPR bur
  • Review of safety and evidence of IPR

Learning outcomes:

Following the session delegates will be able to:

  • Explain the principles of IPR
  • Plan the use of IPR
  • Understand the different methods of delivering IPR
  • Use different methods of IPR

CPD: 6 hours

Register here:

The IPR Course
