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Bond-A-Braid Lingual Retainer Wire
Bond-A-Braid Lingual Retainer Wire
The dead soft wire easily adapts and is excellent for semi-permanent orthodontic splinting of the upper and lower incisors, diastema maintenance and other tooth splinting. .027” x .011” ribbon arch wire 8-strand braided wire Dead soft – adapts easily
Adhesive Bond Aligner
Adhesive Bond Aligner
1.4gm syringe with 5 tips.

Perfect-A-Smile Pontic PaintPerfect-A-Smile Pontic Paint
Perfect-A-Smile Pontic Paint
Available in 4gm pots.
GoTo Push SyringeGoTo Push Syringe
GoTo Push Syringe
4gm syringe
from €44.10

Mark II CR Syringe
Mark II CR Syringe
For use with pre-loaded adhesive tips
Reliance Light BondReliance Light Bond
Reliance Light Bond
5gm push syringe
from €42.91

Reliance Rely-A-BondReliance Rely-A-Bond
Reliance Rely-A-Bond
No Mix Bracket Adhesive
from €25.01
Flowable Light Cure Composite 

Ultra Band LokUltra Band Lok
Ultra Band Lok
Light Cure Compomer Band Cement
from €42.91
Assure Plus All Surface Bonding Resin
Assure Plus All Surface Bonding Resin
All surface bonding resin Enhances bond strength on all surfaces Primes and conditions any tooth surface for bonding Effective on any enamel type or artificial substrate Tolerates moisture contamination
from €89.88

Light Bond SealantLight Bond Sealant
Light Bond Sealant
Bonding primer and sealant
from €32.35

Liquid Etchant
Liquid Etchant
23gm bottle
Maximum Cure SealantMaximum Cure Sealant
Maximum Cure Sealant
Indirect Bonding Sealant
from €42.91

Plastic Conditioner
Plastic Conditioner
Acryclic prep
Porcelain Etch
Porcelain Etch
Prcelian Eth 7gm with Barrier Gel 3ml

Reliance Pro SealReliance Pro Seal
Reliance Pro Seal
Pro Seal and L.E.D. Pro Seal - Light Cure Highly Filled Sealant. Enamel Protection From Start To Finish. Two year surface protection.
Ultra S.E.P.
Ultra S.E.P.
Self Etching Primer, 2ml
from €50.73

Bond Aligner
Bond Aligner
Light Cure Aligner Adhesive

Light Cure Retainer AdhesiveLight Cure Retainer Adhesive
Light Cure Retainer Adhesive
Available as 5gm or 1.5gm syringe
Mixing Well

Ring Well
Ring Well
Efficient finger-mounted method to apply sealants and resins at chairside. Two separate reservoirs.
Ultra Violet Mini Light
Ultra Violet Mini Light
Convenient UV Light Source for disclosing fluorescing adhesives and sealants.

C&C Composite and Chain SystemC&C Composite and Chain System
C&C Composite and Chain System
Disposable molded base and chain extrusion system
Light Cure Wax-like Protection, 1.5gm syringe + 10 tips

Perfect-A-Smile Pontic Putty
Perfect-A-Smile Pontic Putty
Light Cure Formable Paste

Reliance Categories